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Главная » 2007 » Июль » 22 » Counter-Strike 1.6 Fighter FX 8.0 Cheat
Counter-Strike 1.6 Fighter FX 8.0 Cheat
Fighter FX 8.0 22.55
Спустя столько времени вышло обновление чита Fighter FX . Чит содержить в себе ОЧЕНЬ большое количество настроек. Но заполучить чит так легко нельзя , он платный. Минимальная цена этого чита 60 баксов. Но посмотрев на скриншоты и на обновления , можно смело сказать что это того стоит.

:: FFX Binds
Menu Key (select key for open/close menu)
Console Key (select key for open/close console)
:: Rapid Nicks
FFX USER (change your nick to FFX USER)
- [ PWNED! ] - (change your nick to - [ PWNED! ] -)
Deagle [Only] (change your nick to Deagle [Only])
HeadShot @ Machine (change your nick to HeadShot @ Machine)
Kiss my Ass! (change your nick to Kiss my Ass!)
n00b (change your nick to n00b)
The MoTheRFuCkeR (change your nick to The MoTheRFuCkeR)
:: Aimbot
Aim (automatic aim)
AimBind (select bind for enable aim)
Autowall (automatic aim players by the walls)
AutoShoot (automatic aim and shoot players)
Aiming Mode (silent aimbot, behaved shamelessly aimbot, and more...)
Hitbox (straight forward way to slaughter the competition)
Bone (other straight forward way to slaughter the competition)
Distance (aim by distance)
AutoFire (view player, automatic fire)
Recoil Switch (select your recoil switch)
Inverse Switch (select your inverse switch)
Bone Switch (select your bone switch)
Hitbox Switch (select your hitbox switch)
FOV (lets you set the FOV on enemys to kill)
Team (select aim for team or all)
Prediction (your predicted aimbot)
Predback (setting for configure prediction)
Pred aHead (setting for configure prediction)
Draw AimSpot (draws a circle in the middle of the screen and shows your fov)
Adjust Height (adjust height for aim mode)
Adjust Forward (adjust forward for aim mode)
Adjust Right (adjust right for aim mode)
Jump Height (adjust jump height for aim mode)
Jump Forward (adjust jump forward for aim mode)
Jump Right (adjust jump right for aim mode)
:: WallHack
WallMode (two different types for wallhack)
WhiteWall (all map textures colored on white)
NightMode (map by nigh)
AntiVAC2 Wall (prevent detected wallhack)
Outline wall (map showed outlines in configure color)
Outline color R (configure red outline color)
Outline color G (configure green outline color)
Outline color B (configure blue outline color)

:: Visual Options
Colored Models (colored terrorist models in red and ct models in blue)
WhiteWall (all map textures colored on white)
Crosshairs (six differents crosshairs)
Wiremodel (ten differents thickness for outline wire model)
Whitemodel (colored models in white)
Lambert (special bright for players)
Fullbright (all textures in full bright mode!)
Inverse Colors (inverse models colors)
Ghost Mode (all models on transparent glow)
:: ESP
BoxESP (lets you see the enemys hitboxes *two differents)
WeaponESP (shows what weapon your enemy has)
SpriteESP (shows what weapon sprite your enemy has)
NameESP (show what name your friend/enemy has)
DistanceESP (shows how many meters away your enemy is)
ReloadESP (show reload bar on enemy/friend reloading weapon)
EntityESP (show all names for weapon/c4/defuse and more on map)
LightESP (viewing terrorist light in red and ct light in blue *ten differents)
:: Glow
LocalGlow Color (select color for localglow *ten differents colors)
LocalGlow Thickness (select thickness for localglow *twenty differents)
PlayerGlow (on terrorist players show red light and ct players show blue light)
HE GrenadeGlow (show grey light on grenades *five differents)
:: Removals
NoFlash/NoSmoke (remove flashbang and smokegrenade effects)
NoSky (remove sky texture)
NoSpread (remove extension)
NoRecoil (remove recoil for weapons)
:: Additional Info
FFX Version (show in topscreen fighter fx name and version)
Stats (show kills, deaths, headshots and ratio on leftscreen)
Winamp Song (show winamp play song on leftscreen)
C4 Bomb Timer (show bomb timer on leftscreen)
System Hour (show your system hour on rightscreen)
:: Misc
Radarhack (show all the enemys on the radar *two differents)
Third PersonHack (playing on 3rd)
BunnyHop (the famous balarina jumping!)
SpinHack (your player is constant moving for prevent headshot)
SpinSpeed (configure spinhack speed *nine differents)
QuakeGuns (viewing your weapon/hand on Quake Style)
RainBowSix (viewing your weapon/hand on RainBow Six Style)
Grenade Dodge (automatic grenade fire)
Grenade Mindist (configure minimum grenade distance)
Autoplaying (your is away? this feature is automatic playing!)
Player Maxdist (configure maximum player distance for autoplaying)
Player Mindist (configure minimum player distance for autoplaying)
Anti-Admin Kick (for prevent kicked by admin *two differents)
FFX Spam 1 (says the ffx spam!)
FFX Spam 2 (says the ffx spam!)

:: Winamp
Play (play song)
Stop (stop song)
Pause (pause song)
Next (next song)
Previous (previous song)
Forward (forward song)
Back (back song)
Volume (configure winamp volume)
Load PlayList (load in cheat console your winamp song list)
VAC2 Protections

- Encrypted loader inyection
- Internal .dll encrypted
- Compressed, Packer and Protection all files!

Категория: Игры | Просмотров: 77968 | Добавил: HeadShooTeR | Рейтинг: 4.5/197 |
Всего комментариев: 3061 2 3 ... 30 31 »
306 asdas  


304 T-Virus  
админ пидор де ссылка сука

303 trofa  
Wh+aimbot самый новый!!! не палится Sxe 8.9

302 DEX_TER  
auu rogor gadmovwero?

301 frm  
бесполезный чит, минуту поиграешь и все равно бан получешь за такие вещи.

300 fgh  

299 andre  
pidari blad igrat ne umeete pro vs noob

298 Birk  
ЫЫЫ круто

297 atilla  
nasıl iniyo nerden

1-10 11-20 21-30 ... 291-300 301-306
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