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Главная » 2021 » Февраль » 25 » Ron Kneusel - Practical Deep Learning: A Python-Based Introduction
Ron Kneusel - Practical Deep Learning: A Python-Based Introduction

Practical Deep Learning teaches total beginners how to build the datasets and models needed to train neural networks for your own DL projects.
If you’ve been curious about machine learning but didn’t know where to start, this is the book you’ve been waiting for. Focusing on the subfield of machine learning known as deep learning, it explains core concepts and gives you the foundation you need to start building your own models. Rather than simply outlining recipes for using existing toolkits, Practical Deep Learning teaches you the why of deep learning and will inspire you to explore further.
All you need is basic familiarity with computer programming and high school math—the book will cover the rest. After an introduction to Python, you’ll move through key topics like how to build a good training dataset, work with the scikit-learn and Keras libraries, and evaluate your models’ performance.

You’ll also learn:

• How to use classic machine learning models like k-Nearest Neighbors, Random Forests, and Support Vector Machines
• How neural networks work and how they’re trained
• How to use convolutional neural networks
• How to develop a successful deep learning model from scratch
You’ll conduct experiments along the way, building to a final case study that incorporates everything you’ve learned.

Название: Practical Deep Learning: A Python-Based Introduction
Автор: Ron Kneusel
Язык: English
Издательство: No Starch Press
Жанр: Компьютерная литература
Год выхода: 2021
Формат: epub
Страниц: 464
Размер: 10 Mb

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