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Главная » 2021 » Май » 17 » Alves Claudia - Hesitation To Have Sex: How to have sex five times a week
Alves Claudia - Hesitation To Have Sex: How to have sex five times a week

Most sex therapists agree that having sex less than 10 times a year is reason enough to label your marriage a sexless one. However, a lack of sex does not mean your marriage is in trouble, according to Schnarch. While sex may be the way couples typically express their love and desire for each other, a lack of sex doesn’t necessarily mean that you are headed for a break-up, though it is something that you should get a handle on. Dr. Kerner says, “Sex seems to be rapidly falling to the bottom of America’s to-do list; but, in my experience, when couples stop having sex their relationships become vulnerable to anger, detachment, infidelity and, ultimately, divorce. I believe that sex matters: It’s the glue that keeps us together and, without it, couples become ‘good friends’ at best, or ‘bickering roommates’ at worst.”

Название: Hesitation To Have Sex: How to have sex five times a week
Автор: Alves Claudia
Язык: English
Издательство: Covenant Books
Жанр: sex
Год выхода: 2020
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 154
Размер: 15 mb

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